Friday, April 18, 2014

More photos from our expanding project

We have continues to expand the greens we are close to the final mow at greens height.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Expansions Continued

Green expansions have continued through out the week.  Here is a picture from the same spot on #1 green   to show our progress.  We are gradually going to drop the mowing height to our desired height.

First cut

Second Cut at a lower height

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bunker Work

We are hard at work right now doing a minor renovation to our bunkers.  We are currently reintroducing a defined edge to the bunker as well as checking the depth of sand.  Here are some before and after pitcures of our progress

#1 Right Greenside Bunker


#5 Front Greenside Bunker


Friday, April 4, 2014

Green Extensions

You may notice yellow lines around the greens while playing. These are the guidelines for our greens    expansions. We have recently started to drop the height of the grass closer to greens height slowly. Pictured is #1  green where you can see the green starting to be lowered and extended

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Transition has Started at Packanack GC

If you were able to play the past couple days you may have noticed the course greening up rather quickly.  The turf is coming out of its dormant state and beginning to green up.  This has a lot  to do with the change in climate.  With the days being longer and temperatures in both the soil and atmosphere, the plant has the chance to generate more chlorophyl and make the turf look green.  Pictured is 7 green after a day of sun light exposure.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First mow of the season

We mowed the Greens for the first time Today. After a long winter under snow and the mild temperatures we have had over the past week.  It was time to remove the Winter fuzz off the greens. After mowing the greens we discovers to our surprise how green our Greens actually were.

Sergio Cutting the Practice Green

Edgar Cutting #1 Green
#1 Green all finished